The new Ga Mantse, King Tackie Tawiah III, was officially outdoored as the rightful King to lead the people and steer the affairs of the Ga State at a colourful and peaceful coronation ceremony in Accra on Saturday.
Members of the Ga Traditional Council, the Chiefs and Queen-mothers of most of the clans and their followers, Ministers of State, and well-wishers from all walks of live thronged the King's Palace in Accra to witness the coronation ceremony which was characterized by pump and pageantry. Amidst musketry by the warriors, drumming, singing and dancing as well as waving of flags, King Tackie Tawiah III, Known in private life as Dr. Jo Blankson, arrived at the coronation grounds in a Black Mitsubishi Montero guarded by his security men.
There was heavy police presence to provide security and prevent any mishap as a result of the controversy that had surrounded the enstoolment of the new Ga Mantse. This however, did not deter the people to show their rich culture as the women carried various food items and the various Asafo groups displayed their skills to pay homage to the new King.
The highlight of the ceremony was observed by the slaughtering of a bull by the Warriors and the sprinkling of the blood on the feet of the new King to signify the finality of the process and the acceptance by the ancestors and the people of the King.
In his acceptance speech, King Tackie Tawiah III said with his coronation and the support of the people, the development of the Ga State would move at a fast pace to put her on a pedestal to be admired by all. "A baby learns how to sit, crawl, stand, and walk before he runs but we have to start by running because our state has lagged behind in so many ways. What do we have to show after 50 years of independence? This has to be corrected as soon as possible"
The Ga Mantse noted that traditional leaders like the Asantehene, Okyenhene and Togbe Afedzi had with the support of the government undertaken many developmental projects for their people because of the peace they enjoyed. King Tackie Tawiah III advocated the establishment of Ga Development Corporation to mobilse funds to support development and promised to work with all factions and the various clans of the Ga State to move it forward.He said the population of the Ga State was huge, hence the need for all hands to be on deck. The new King called for government support to improve on the infrastructure of the various communities as well as to give back the leased lands to the owners after the term had expired. King Tackie Tawiah III expressed the hope that peace would prevail even after the controversies adding, "goodness, oneness and prosperity should be the portion of the Ga State" . Sheik I.C. Quaye, Greater Accra Regional Minister pledged the support of the government for the new King to move the region forward and said a forum would be held to listen to the concerns of all the people in order to reach a consensus. He asked for God's blessings and wisdom for the Ga Mantse and urged him to be humble, obedient and work assiduously to bring all the people under one umbrella.
The Minister presented 100 million cedis to the Ga Mantse as government's contribution for the work ahead.
Mr. Sampson Kwaku Boafo, Minister of Chieftaincy and Culture on Saturday called on citizens of the Ga State to bury their differences and forge ahead as one people with a common destiny.
"It is only God who appoints Kings, if you are not a royal there is no way you can become a King".
Mr. Boafo was speaking at the coronation of the King Tackie Tawiah III, the new Ga Mantse at the Ga Mantse Palace in Accra. The ceremony attracted hundreds of people who had come from far and near to witness this memorable occasion which occurs ones in a lifetime.
The Ga Mantse Palace went gay as the various Asafo Companies treated the gathering to cultural displays and the incessant beating of fontomfrom drums amid the firing of muskets.
The atmosphere was further charged as the new Ga Mantse arrived at the palace with his retinue of Ga sub-chiefs and warriors who boomed their muskets which shook the durbar grounds.Mr. Boafo said the chieftaincy in Ghana was a noble institution and called on the people in the Ga State to unite for the development of the area.
"King Tackie Tawiah III is the Jubilee King and all must support him to bring development to the traditional area," he added. Mr. Boafo also stated that about 80 percent of the country's population still believes in the chieftaincy institution and this signifies that the institution was here to stay, "I know the pedigree of King Tackie Tawiah III and I believe that he would be able to bring development to the people," he emphasized.
Mr. Nat Nunoo Amartefio, a former Mayor of Accra also called on the Ga citizens to bury their differences and support the new Ga Mantse to raise the Ga State to the level that it deserves. He said even though some people may have some disagreements on certain issues the coronation of King Tackie Tawiah III should bring to an end all our differences and move the Ga nation forward. Naa Dedei Omadru, Ga Manye, on her part called for peace and unity in the Ga State in order to bring development to the traditional area.She called for the empowerment of women through skills training and financial assistance to enhance their businesses.
Nii Adote Obuor II, Sempe Mantse, in his welcome address, advised the people of the Ga Traditional Area to rally behind the newly enstooled King in-spite of the petty squabbles because the new Ga Mantse, endorsed by the Ga Tradtional Council, had come to stay. "After the burial of Nii Amugi II, there was the need for a new Ga Mantse to steer the affairs of the state. There was confusion over the selection but the Dzaase (Kingmakers ) had found a solution by choosing Dr. Jo Balnkson. Whether he is good or not he will lead us."
He said a new Dzaasetse, Nii Tetteh Kwei II had also been outdoored to work together with the Ga Mantse to speed up the development of the Ga Traditional area and called on the people to give them their maximum support.King Tackie Tawaih III was born to Madam Mary Lartey of the Asere Dzorshie Royal Family and Joseph Blankson Lartey, a Chief Spokesperson of the Ga State and a grandson of King Tackie Tawaih I.